Dejun Wan万德钧

UX/UI & Web Design交互与网页设计

Dejun Wan万德钧

UX/UI & Web Design交互与网页设计

Creative and innovative interactive designer with 15+ years’ experience managing the complete design process from concept to completion. Expert knowledge in UX/UI design, web design and frontend development. Dynamic team player with excellent communication skills and attention to detail. 欢迎来到我的网站!我是一名拥有15年以上经验的交互与网页设计师。除了良好的设计技巧,我还掌握了扎实的网页前端开发技能。我热爱设计,注重细节,擅长沟通与团队协作。期待与您合作!

Available for freelance work.现阶段可接受各类交互、网页和平面设计工作。

Project: Portfolio Site Design & Build项目: 艺术家主页设计与制作
Client: Susanna Thornton客户: Susanna Thornton
Tasks: Design/Flash site development任务: 设计与Flash网站制作

An interactive portfolio web site for a renowned photographer/visual artist. This site was built entirely in Flash and featured an easy-to-navigate interface and smooth transitions between pages. The design reflected the artist's clean and modern style.本项目是为一名摄影师设计制作的个人作品集。该网站完全由Flash完成,各页面之间的衔接和设计风格反映了艺术家本人至简与现代的审美。

Click below links to see screenshots.点击下方链接可观看作品截屏。