Dejun Wan万德钧

UX/UI & Web Design交互与网页设计

Dejun Wan万德钧

UX/UI & Web Design交互与网页设计

Creative and innovative interactive designer with 15+ years’ experience managing the complete design process from concept to completion. Expert knowledge in UX/UI design, web design and frontend development. Dynamic team player with excellent communication skills and attention to detail. 欢迎来到我的网站!我是一名拥有15年以上经验的交互与网页设计师。除了良好的设计技巧,我还掌握了扎实的网页前端开发技能。我热爱设计,注重细节,擅长沟通与团队协作。期待与您合作!

Available for freelance work.现阶段可接受各类交互、网页和平面设计工作。

Project: Web Templates Design项目: 网站模版设计
Client: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung in China客户: 罗莎卢森堡基金会

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung in China requested template designs for their official website. Each template needs to fit the needs of a particular category of content that they constantly create and update. This responsive design uses color pallettes and image headers to establish an identity for each category, making sure the text are easy to read under all device sizes. The client also asks for a dynamic style that is appealing to the younger generations, while representing the Chinese culture. Specific UI elements are also designed to create a consistent style throughout the different pages.应客户要求,为基金会在中国的官方网站内页设计七种模版。根据内容类型的不同,每个模版适应一大子类。在统一框架之下利用视觉元素将每个类别加以区分,并根据具体内容设计相应的UI细节,保证在各尺寸下都美观易读易用。充满活力且能体现中国特色的设计使得学术内容不显枯燥,对年轻读者更具吸引力。